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What Hockey Scouts Look For?


When scouting hockey players, scouts look for a variety of skills and behaviors, including:
skating, hockey sense, communication, work ethic, consistency and much much more. The boys from Advancement Hockey Advising run down a few of the things scouts, coaches and GM’s are looking for in a hockey player.
In our discussions with college and NHL scouts, hockey IQ has been at the top of their list. players who can assess the game quickly and make smart decisions with the puck are moved to the top of the list (obviously after the basics of being a good skater and puck handler).
Another X-factor is “compete level”! We’ve heard from a number of high level coaches that they really want to see a players compete level on and off the ice. The players who want to win the ping pong game, be the strongest in the gym or be first on the bus are the ones that stand out.

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