I believe as families go through their hockey journey many times the “End Game” is lost.
As I mentioned previously this article would represent athletes males & females playing in the top 5-15% of players in North America. So if you’re parents going through the hockey journey and spending over $10,000.00 on hockey in a calendar year this article is for you.
So what is your endgame for your son or daughter? I’ve heard for many years with young male or even female athletes that the end game is this statement….”It would be great if my son or my daughter got their education paid for” Now I’m not wanting to sound like ass when I say that every time I hear that I think that’s BS. Ok maybe on a surface level maybe, but actually I’m confident it’s not the actual end game.
When you look at simple math it gets crazy what some families are spending over every calendar year on hockey. It’s not $10,000.00 per year, it’s sometimes $40,000.00 to $60,000.00 per year. These families aren’t into these numbers for one-year, they’re into those numbers for multiple years.
the “End Game” really is you want your son or daughter to go as far as possible in this game.
So let’s talk time lines now…for a player to develop fully they are in a minimum 10 year timeline.
For example that’s someone starting at 8 years old and going till they are 18 years old. So for hockey development, winter hockey fees, spring hockey, physical training, academy fees, hotels, food, and the list goes on and on. So on and on, that I’ve had numerous parents say “Eric I can’t go and add it all up because it would scare the hell out of me…” Let’s say your yearly expenses land somewhere around 25,000 per year per child…that’s $250,000.00 to get them to University age. For many that’s only ½ what you are actually paying…So the reality is this family could have paid for an education for any school anywhere in the world especially if the money was invested at any rate of return.
So the “End Game” really is you want your son or daughter to go as far as possible in this game. I want my son or daughter to become the best human being they can be and I will support them as long as it makes sense for them and their willingness to put in the work. If that leads to an education in Canada or the US that’s great. If it leads to my son or daughter having a PRO hockey career and they make a living from the Game even better.
Let us help you get to your “End Game” and save money getting you there…
After writing this article it became very clear that our “End Game” is very simple…
Create more NHL and Professional Women hockey players than anywhere else in the world…
If becoming a PRO Hockey player is your GOAL than you’re in the right place
“Let’s Play”
Eric Morrissette